About Insight Bible church

Faith, Hope and Love

We are a Bible Believing Church where God’s Word is taught with accuracy and people receive insight to enable them succeed in everything they do. We believe that God has a plan for every individual’s life, and our role as a Church is to help you discover where God has called you to, and provide a platform for you to get there. We are convinced that once you discover your purpose and pursue it, it is impossible for you not to become a celebrity.



Our Core Value

We are committed to growing churches were people enjoy love, care and esteem in a warm atmosphere of family relationships.

Leadership Development

We identify, equip and release people to exercise godly influence in their stations in life for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

Church Planting

We plant new churches in neighborhoods and communities to win and disciple men and women for the kingdom of God.

Global Evangelism

We demonstrate our commitment to reaching every nation of the world with the gospel of Christ by mobilizing, training, sending and supporting short term and career missionaries to unreached areas of the world.


We affirm that the church of Christ is a single indivisible entity through active involvement with other churches and Christian organizations.